The Oral Hygiene Routine You Need To Maintain a Healthy Mouth


Our dental hygiene is at the core of our overall health. Despite common knowledge, the health of our teeth and gums is imperative to ensure the rest of our body is risk-free and healthy. No matter how great your oral hygiene routine might be right now, we all sometimes fall short of following a strict routine when it comes to oral hygiene. Ticking off all of the essential habits that must be completed daily can get overwhelming, and for that reason, we have compiled a list of all the essential habits you must be following to take care of your teeth effectively.

Did you know that a third of British adults skip brushing their teeth twice a day? It is so easy for our oral health to quickly turn south. The cost of dental work can be excessive, and we do not grow extra teeth back once they’re gone, and for that reason, you must be following a sufficient dental hygiene routine. Take a look at the essential habits that you should be including in your routine.

Visit The Dentist Regularly

Visiting the dentist is neglected by much of the population. If it has been over 1 year since your last dentist visit, you should book a dental check up as soon as possible. The best way to ensure there are no underlying problems is to take preventive action and see your dentist. If you are someone who experiences dental anxiety, that is okay. Many dentists are trained in handling specific dental anxiety cases. Take some time to find a dentist that is tailored to your needs before you rush into booking an appointment. Regardless of which one you choose, make sure you see your dentist as soon as you can to ensure the health of your enamel and gums. You will be in the best hands possible, with trained professionals to spot and target any developing issues.

Brush Your Teeth – No Exceptions!

This goes without saying, but if you are slacking on your dental cleaning routine, you need to get back on top of it. Brushing your teeth should be done morning and night. Ideally, brush your teeth after you have had breakfast. Coffee is something a lot of us drink in the mornings, and leaving our teeth to soak in the residue of coffee throughout the day is not ideal. Brush after you have had your morning coffee and breakfast if possible, and set off for your day with a minty breath!

Mouthwash to Finish Off

Mouthwash seems like just another accessory but it is an essential step that should always be completed after brushing your teeth. As thorough as you might be when brushing your teeth, using mouthwash to wash out any of the leftover particles once finished is a crucial way to prevent the buildup of plaque on the enamel. Mouthwash that contains alcohol can usually dry out your mouth which can also be damaging for your oral health. Opt for alcohol-free, antibacterial mouthwashes and feel the extra freshness.

Use Floss Throughout The Day

The intricate spaces between your teeth are much harder to reach and therefore require more than a simple brush. Flossing is the best way to remove any built-up food particles that find their way into the smaller spaces in your mouth. Flossing should be completed after each meal, and be sure to target each tooth to remove any leftover bacteria. If you are looking to be more sustainable, you might consider using eco-friendly floss that is much after for your mouth, and also for the environment.

Consider Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been around for centuries, but only recently has it taken over the internet as one of the latest trends. It has been proven to strengthen the enamel, whilst also removing any of the toxic bacteria that build up in the mouth. Oil pulling involves using coconut oil, putting a spoonful in your mouth, and swishing it around your mouth for 15 minutes straight. “Pulling” the toxins out of your mouth is important for great hygiene, and this is exactly why so many incorporate oil pulling into their weekly hygiene routine. Oil pulling only needs to be completed once a week at most!

Consider Fixing Structural Imperfections

Teeth misalignment and missing teeth can lead to discomfort and also a drop in confidence. Oral hygiene also takes into consideration the appearance of your teeth, which can be easily solved with dental solutions such as leamington spa orthodontics or dental implants. Did you know that gaps in your teeth make you much more vulnerable to overbites, chipped teeth, and also gum disease if the gap is not completely healed and protected with a temporary cap? Fixing the misalignment in your teeth is important, especially if you are dealing with severe overbites or multiple gaps. All four implants and also Invisalign are also valuable to fix these issues promptly.

Reduce Intake of Enamel-Damaging Food and Drinks

Certain foods and drinks are damaging to your enamel and gums. Whilst we are not expected to avoid food groups altogether, it is wise to reduce how much you eat and drink certain foods. Some favourites such as coffee, red wine, and also sugar sweets are all proven to stain the teeth and also break down the enamel with excessive consumption. Try to reduce how much you have of these foods and drinks, and if you do have them, try to brush your teeth thoroughly to avoid the adverse effects. Drinking acidic drinks such as fizzy drinks is also recommended.

Avoid Home Dental Whitening

At-home whitening kits are especially bad for the protective layer of enamel we have on our teeth. Due to internet trends, floods of people now opt for at-home whitening kits to keep their teeth bright and glowing. Unknowingly said people are running their enamel, causing irreversible teeth sensitivity and the breakdown of this essential layer. Avoid this when possible, and opt for professional whitening instead if you wish to maintain your oral hygiene.

Bottom Line

Overall, oral hygiene is imperative for our overall health. After our first set of teeth falls out, we only have our adult teeth to keep us sustained until old age. Whilst there is the option for dental implants, you should strive to maintain your natural teeth and gums as healthy as possible. If you experience dental infections, this can translate to your overall health, even affecting areas such as your heart and also your normal brain function. Skip the drama, and instead maintain an acceptable dental hygiene routine. Brush your teeth regularly, include mouthwash, and floss after each meal and also make sure you are keeping up to date with regular dentist visits.