The Ultimate Guide To Studying Abroad
If you are a UK student who is considering university, you may have considered moving abroad for it because, in some countries, it can be considered to be more affordable. Additionally, some of the degrees that are offered to students abroad can also offer better career paths. Not to mention the opportunity of seeing a completely different world to what you are used to. You’ll experience different cultures, beliefs, food and much more. So if you are considering the big move abroad for your degree, here are a few things to consider.
Pick a Subject and Your Course
Before you start considering moving away, the first thing that you need to do is pick a course and subject. What do you want to pursue a career in and how will the degree benefit your career path? Additionally, looking at courses abroad can offer more opportunities as your home country might not necessarily offer that specific course.
If you just want to study abroad for the sake of it then that might not be the best move. You should only do it if your degree offers more career options when studio abroad.
There are several different courses that you can choose from as well such as an undergraduate degree which is the more common however, there are shorter degrees such as diplomas which are usually a year long. You also have foundation level courses which is an additional year to your bachelor’s.
As you will already know, there are many different universities to choose from so it is also important that you check how they rank amongst the others.
Pick The Country You Wish To Study
Now that you know what course you wish to do and what subject. The next step is to pick the country where you want to study. Again, ideally where you want to go to the best universities and sometimes they are abroad. However, it doesn’t always necessarily mean the best university and that is why you are going. It could also offer you other benefits such as speaking another language or embracing another culture for a year. Things to consider when you are considering studying abroad.
When it comes to climate, this is something else you will need to consider. If you are not a fan of the cold then you are likely better choosing a warmer country or vice versa if you don’t like the heat. Additionally, if there is a specific city that you wish to live in for a short period, have a look at the opportunities.
Finally, you need to review the cost of the degree and the move to the other country. This can be quite costly so you need to have some savings to take with you to help transport your things.
Begin Creating a Shortlist
Creating a shortlist for your Universities is also advised before you commit to one. This way, you can conduct a deeper review of the universities you have chosen to see which one is the best. Additionally, some universities might be more difficult than others to get into so you need to ensure you have a backup plan if you don’t get the grades for your first choice.
This process can take longer because you are applying to multiple universities. Nevertheless, it is good to have a backup if you don’t get into your desired University.
Funding and Scholarships Options
Funding and scholarships are something that you can consider when you are applying for your degree overseas. As we all know, University can be very expensive, especially in the UK. Furthermore, tuition fees can be more affordable overseas. The only issue is that you won’t be able to apply for a UK student finance loan. Some countries don’t offer student loans which is another cause of concern.
Something that you will need to prove is that you can cover the cost of tuition fees as well as the living expenses over there. You will need to prove this when you are applying for a student visa. If you can’t support yourself financially then there will be some issues with this in regards to your student visa.
Application Process
Once you have confirmed the University you wish to go to, you must check the application process. This can be slightly more complicated compared to UCAS as you would need to apply through the University directly in most cases. So to ensure you go through the correct application process, you must check through the university website first.
To Conclude
There are many things that you are required to do when you are moving to an international University. For some, there are more restrictions than for others so you must check through the website and check the restrictions online for living in the country. For example, if you are moving to the UK, you would be able to apply for a student visa through immigration solicitors in London. Most countries offer student visas so if you require one then make sure you apply for one before you move.