Health Consciousness at the Workplace


Most adults spend an approximate 35 hours a week at the minimum at the workplace and this figure can go up to even 60 hours a week which takes a toll on the physical aspects of workers, especially those who are bound to a desk.

Being bound to a desk for hours on end each day may sound uneventful and may seem like an easy thing to do due to the common perspective that desk bound jobs do not tire or tax the human body, however this perspective is far from the truth.

Deskbound employees often remain static for hours especially those who are cuffed to the 9-to5- grind which could trigger a number of health issues which include increased risk of heart disease, muscular disorders (due to muscles being inactive for long periods), high blood pressure, increased cholesterol level and poor posture which lead to musculoskeletal disorders just to name a few.

The ailments cited here are just the few of the healthcare issues that have been observed to inflict the average office employees in the long run and to make matters worse, most office employees are unaware of this fact as the effects of sitting at a desk for long hours do not happen overnight, they actually take a few years for some and decades for others all depending on how they manage their physical activities or practices during their hours at the office.

There are many ways that an employee in an office and bound to a desk could maintain their health during work hours; the trick is to be conscious or aware about the duration that they sit at their desks.

Ideally, an employee should not sit for more than an hour, they should move around or stretch within every given hour for at least 5 minutes in order to prevent their muscles from becoming inactive. Apart from that, they could also consider ergonomic office furniture which assists office employees to maintain their health in more ways than one could imagine.

Most offices in big cities such as Melbourne generally provide employees with ergonomic office chairs, however in the even that they do not; employees always have the option to buy such furniture from any of furniture stores in Melbourne, most of which have a range of ergonomic office furniture that are affordable.

Among the more prominent benefits of ergonomic furniture include maintaining good posture in the long run, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, and relief from stress due to discomfort and also support better blood circulation just to name a few of the benefits that can be derived from ergonomic furniture.

However, it is important to know that even with ergonomic furniture, total movement of the entire body within every one or two hours is still the best way to go about keeping healthy and fit physically and mentally.

Coupled with regular workouts and stretching at home or the gym twice a week at the least and a good diet, office employees could avoid all the above mentioned health issues entirely.